筆者認為,美國聯邦最高法院在Alice Corp.判決中,所謂「電腦為該方法能夠被實行且產生有用、具體與確實結果的重要因素,而不僅使某解答較快被完成」,其實是「並非單純將現有程序用電腦程式編碼(亦即編寫程式,program coding)後用電腦完成」的另一種表述方式,其實就是換個方法表示前述多則美國實務判例所認定的,「單純的自動化,並不具備專利適格」的看法。
這是因為,程式寫作者(programmer)照著某演算法(流程圖)與資料結構,去編寫程式,其所得的結果,是一個創作沒錯,但是其僅能得到著作權,對於該表達方式(程式碼)的保護。這是因為,若抽離了那個演算法與附屬的資料結構後,程式寫作者所實行的,僅僅是編輯與翻譯等行為,其中並沒有任何技術進步內涵(Inventive Steps),不是一個技術解決方案(Problem Solving Technical Solution),更不要說什麼發明創見了。
自2014年美國最高法院在Alice案件宣告軟體無效後,有關軟體專利的適格性持續在聯邦法院被挑戰,多數面臨被宣告無效之命運。DDR Holdings是Alice案判決後,是第一件被聯邦巡迴上訴法院(CAFC)宣告軟體專利有效的案件,此後2014-2017間僅有9件訴訟案件的專利維持。2017年一共審理27件與電腦執行有關技術,其中有三件案件的專利有效性被維持,顯示有關軟體專利適格性的判斷仍然嚴苛。本文將摘要其中二件被聯邦上訴法院作為前例的案件,供軟體相關產業實務人士參考......
又一個因具有「significant more 」技術手段而具備可專利性的案例。
「Under Alice Corp. Pty. v. CLS Bank Int’l, 134 S. Ct. 2347, 2354 (2014), if the claims at issue are directed to a “patent ineligible concept,” then the court will “examine the elements of the claim to determine whether it contains an ‘inventive concept’ sufficient to ‘transform’ the claimed abstract idea into a patent-eligible application.” If the claims are directed to a patent-eligible concept, they satisfy Section 101. Here, the Court looked to whether the claims were directed to a specific improvement in the capabilities of computing devices, or, instead, “a process that qualifie[d] as an ‘abstract idea’ for which computers are invoked merely as a tool.” Enfish, LLC v. Microsoft Corp., 822 F.3d 1327, 1336 (Fed. Cir. 2016).
Core’s claims were directed to an improved user interface for computing devices, which was not an abstract idea. While the generic idea of summarizing information was known, the claims were directed to a “particular manner of summarizing and presenting information in electronic devices” that improved the efficiency of the electronic device over the prior art. Therefore, the claims were not directed to an abstract idea.」